600,000 Applications For Italy Visa Lottery 2024 – Complete Guide

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Italy Visa Lottery

Italy Visa Lottery 2024 – Italy is giving people from other countries (non-EU) a chance to come and work there. Lots of Italian employers want to hire people from outside of Europe, so they are applying for a special lottery.

This lottery lets them choose who they want to hire in the year 2024. More than 600,000 companies have applied for this lottery.

According to a report in the Financial Times, the staggering demand largely exceeds the government’s recently increased allotment of 136,000 slots for 2024, which highlights the country’s acute labor shortage in economic sectors.

Immigration Reforms Upcoming but Insufficient

Faced with calls to reduce labor imports, newly elected Prime Minister Georgia Maloney’s right-wing coalition government gradually increased the yearly work visa quota until 2026, aiming to reach 165,000 by 2026.

However, leading industry groups such as the Agricultural Union believe that the proposed 2026 Colderity figure is insufficient.

Colderetti’s director Luigi Pio Scordamaglia said “In every sector, we need people,”.

The government also plans to supplement quotas with special immigration deals for countries like Tunisia.

However, employers’ association officials doubt whether such modest reforms can meet labor demands, especially if anti-immigration sentiment rises. This illegal arrival can make people very suspicious of migrant workers.

Read More: Unskilled UK Visa Sponsorship Jobs 2024 (40,000 Jobs in UK)

Changing Travel and Migration Policies

Labor shortages in Italy may affect policy decisions in the area of travel and migration policies like the European Commission (EC) expects to launch the European Travel and Authorization System (ETIAS) in May 2025.

ETIAS is a special permission that people from certain countries need to get before they can go to certain places in Europe. It helps make sure that people are safe and can travel easily.

While, ETIAS strictly focuses on short-term visitors, not long-term residents, indirectly shaping future migration policies.

Its data collection and analysis capabilities can reveal new insights into cross-border movements. Additionally, if the borders in Europe become stricter with ETIAS, it might make governments consider allowing different ways for people to move to their countries.

The Road Ahead

As Italy faces ambivalence from employers and constituencies over immigration, incremental policy changes could help navigate the middle ground.

However, addressing workforce issues requires a deeper vision to effectively align labor demands with public opinion.

In the next few years, Italy will need to work on improving its immigration system so that it can better adapt to changes and plan for the future. Success depends on building public confidence that policy evolution can maintain security while opening controlled channels to import willing foreign workers.

The aim is to adjust the intake dial by considering how much work is needed, rather than just looking at who comes to the door.

If Italy is successful, it could show other European countries how to handle immigration, which could help solve problems related to population changes. It will take a lot of time and effort, but progress is being made.

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